Saturday, June 28, 2008

Here is my planet

The reason I asked that question is to get from you what are the ways you identify yourself. ?Are you a human first, a woman first, an american, parent, yoga instructor, ...
Then, after that what comes next and next and next...?
I am a human, a man, a father, husband, nurse, philosopher, friend, homeowner, liberal. After that there is a long list of stuff. At the end of the list there are a bunch of things that are subject to change.
Who are you?


colie.doll said...

Well, perhaps we should get into that sometime. Because well... I identify as a Christian... though I know that I am not. And I do believe in God. Or... did. I don't know. I'm just lost right now and my light is a few states away.
Well, maybe I should tell you who I am.
I am a lover. A giver. A friend. I am a daughter, and soon to be a social worker. I am a care giver. Liberal. And chemically dependent. And then there are all the little things that really don't matter.

Mark G. said...


At the risk of being redundant, here is a copy of my blogging and social networking description. This is probably the most honest response I can provide, because it preceded your inquiry:

"Intense, resilient, learning, happy. One of eight. Brother. Son. Friend. Co-worker. Improving listener. Non-smoker. Life-long learner. Avid golfer, cyclist and adventurer. Love to cook. Love to read. Love to listen to music. Love film. Given the choice, I am outdoors. Voracious life experience seeker. World and wildlife observer. History buff and science phreak."

Wiggle, click, wiggle, click, snort, snort, wink -yeah, put that in your alien bong and smoke it, you interplanetary, rastafarian snoop!!

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Well Well Mark G.
Your clicks and wiggles
and Rasta giggles
Make me smile wide
You outdoor lubber
resilient clubber
man with well tanned hide
science phreaker
history seeker
cycler cross the land
music movie
books are groovie
experiential friend
happy brother
smokeless other
alien Emcee Gee
worker learner
Intense food burner
Observe this gift from me

Wiggle click snortmoss

Zed said...

Hi there...
You commented on my blog... what is so special about my special olympics tshirt?
lol. And,
HOW do you PROFILE SURF ? That sounds like fun.

colie.doll said...

well then, let's get to it. starting where?

yoxunex. that's the secret code. just wanted to let you know.