How do I put this...
I used to pursue religion. Now I don't.
I started out with Christianity and then after I broke out of that, I pursued a combination of Zen(ish)ness, mysticism and general spirituality. Eventually I realized that, for me, it all boiled down to superstition. I WANTED to believe in something so I would justify thoughts, feelings and experiences that I couldn't understand by attributing them to a mysterious, otherworldly, overseeing, benevolent, spirit world.
Now I just believe that I exist and you exist. We all can help each other in ways that are anticipated and unanticipated. We have to be wary of those that would seek to take advantage of us in familiar ways and increasingly creative new ways. We all are trying to make our way in this world. Some have more success financially, some emotionally, some in a combination. Most things we have no control over. Some have an enormous impact such as disease or accidents or birth family etc. Some things guide our lives such a social customs, laws, relationships, employment, etc. Some things we have a degree of ability to guide by virtue of our choice making skills. The more education we have the more information to use in making choices. The more intellect we have and choose to employ, the probability that we will be successful increases. Nonetheless, everything over which we believe we have control can change in an instant and suddenly our illusion of control slips out from under us.
So the question becomes, for me, how do I find a balance between attempting to manage control and being able to be flexible when the notion of control is suddenly replaced with the realization that it is an illusion?
That is the closest I come to the point at which people turn to religion. I prefer to accept the struggle and face it head on rather than relegate the responsibility to "a higher power".
Now, I have nothing against people who chose the "higher power" route. I have been there. There is a great deal of comfort in handing over the "control" to the higher power. Since it is an illusion anyway, why not. Then you just have to follow the rules to the best of your ability and ask for forgiveness for your mistakes. I do ask forgiveness. I ask forgiveness of the people whom I have offended. I attempt to manage myself so I don't offend them in the first place. I accept my "humanity" and the imperfection that comes with it. I try to forgive myself as well. If I can't forgive myself how can I forgive anybody else?
The world in which we live is filled with roses and wasps, as in the photo above (nice photo Alex!). I try to smell the roses and avoid the wasps. I try to be a rose and not a wasp.
thank you for sharing. i loved it and needed it. i miss you.
MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON YOUR SOUL, EVEN IF IT IS A ROSE( a crescendo of pious religiousity ensues as you rocket towards flames )!!!
You obviously aren't from this planet! What are you saying? "Things turn out the way they do, then more stuff happens?"
My furry, now fiery and flaming, filosofizing friend how I resonate to your resonations. At 14 I walked out of the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, Connecticut(coincidence? I think not!), in the middle of service - I had cookie wafers at home, looked skyward, and heard GOD! say, "Mark, as far as you know, you only go this way one time, and you are not here for a long time, you are here for a good time!" When I came down from that trip, I decided to see how much fun one can have, and am still learning!
It's fun sharing this part of the journey with you my pagan and precocious playmate. Welcome to the penultimate proselytism- as far as we know:-)
Let's turn the page!
So i am answering your question. Why do I believe what I believe. I believe it because it's the only thing I know that has always made sense to me. God's love is one love that I know I can never lose. Too many people have walked in and out of my life and I know that the only way to lose Him, is for me to leave. It's been hard lately. But I know He's there waiting. But mostly I believe because ever if there is no God, I have something to hope for. I read in a book somewhere...
"If I believe in heaven, and you do not, and there is no heaven, we both lose. However, if I believe in God and you do not, and there is a heaven, you still lose and I gain everything."
My comment is an illusion. If you think not, then you believe you have control over your perception, and that my friend is an illusion, which is what my comment is meant to control. That of course is an ....oh no, i've gone cross-eyed.
What part of that would you like to discuss first?
What does the part about, "mostly I believe because ever if there is no God, I have something to hope for." mean?
Thou hast uncovered my dark secret. I am a blasphemer. I taketh the name of Dog in vain. I denieth the existence of the Great Canine. I tear apart my food with my bicuspids and molars do chew my nutrients.
I have the fleas of a thousand mongrels upon my belly.
I am the very embodiment of...
..did I say "dog"? Holy Cat Shit! That's not what we were talking about is it? I am such a Chihuahua brain! I don't deserve the scraps off the floor of Mother Hubbard. Growl!
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