Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Exist! oh ye GOD

I am God.
How do I know that?
Because I created God.
The tricky part about this is:
You are God also.
How do I know this?
Because you created God.
I'll give you my description/definition of GOD.
Unless it is exactly the same as YOUR description,
one of us is wrong or both of us is wrong.
If you are right and I am wrong,
I won't believe you anyway
and I will keep on being GOD.
If we are both wrong,
we won't know, so we will both continue being GOD.
If I am right and you are wrong,
I'm right.
OK...OK...What does that mean, "I/you created GOD?"
You have heard about and possibly read about, "god".
You have taken all those things plus your sense of what GOD must ultimately be
and continuously meld them into your current definition of GOD.
No two gods are the same because no two people hear the same thing
or have the same experience.
Maybe you don't have a definition of GOD
but just accept that there is one because your religion says there is one.
You still have an idea of what that is
and you still have a different idea than someone else who is in the same religion.

The universe is "infinite".
That means that all the matter in the universe,
which most scientists believe is expanding to encompass more and more area, is ultimately surrounded by an area that exists with a lack of any matter in it. That area is incomprehensibly infinite. All the laws of physics, which we are still attempting to define, are both, 1. only true within our sphere of expanding matter (because physics requires the presence of matter) and 2. continuously changing because our sphere of matter is continuously expanding.
God is the effect of the area with no matter impacting our sphere. Everything (and I mean ALL our stuff including the electrochemical impulses that we call "thoughts") is under the influence of the interaction between the stuff and the no stuff. We are an animal that recognizes patterns. We tend to think that the patterns are the work of something that, like us, would create patterns. It's just the energy waves of the vast array of different forms of the stuff. Our lifespan, individually and as a species, is too short to observe any really BIG pattern waves (even with our cool instrumentation and complex mathematical skills).
So, to encapsulate, there is no god. There is only stuff and we are part of the stuff. At the edge of the stuff there is no more stuff. That's where the really cool effects are. Try going there sometime! That's probably god.
You weren't expecting that were you. Of course not.
I'm god. Did you think I was going to be easy to understand?
Now, of course, I do not really think I am GOD.
It's just a concept. It's one I kind of like.
What GOD have you created?


Green Moss & Sunny said...

Honey, You way tooo smart for me! I would love to join you where the stuff meets the non stuff. We can party there and cause more trouble.


Mark G. said...

Thank you for the invite.

It is about time you unrepentant, primordial ooze! I've been meaning to talk to you about a few things:

First of all what is up with that funny noise you have all those folks down at the coffee shop mimicking?

Do you think it is a coincidence I had you evolve from primates? Have you ever seen their faces mid-coitus?

Next, Let's get this dog thing straight. What do you have against dogs?

I lieu of my physical absence from your world, I am putting Mark in charge. Anything he says, "GOES!"

You'll notice he likes dogs, and even has one in his online picture. You could learn a lot from that canine coddler.

I'll be back to check on your progress and adherance to the "Mark Tenet."

Don't disappoint me!


Green Moss & Sunny said...

imaginary friend,
Here is the question I have for Mr. Mark Tenet:
Would it be better to reply here or on the blog of the commenter? If I reply here what happens over in the other dimension known as "Mark G's blog"? If I reply there how do I keep track of the salient points to be addressed? It's a humdrum conundrum wrapped in an enigmum.
It's a puzzle to ponder "reply here or over yonder." A mystery takes mastery so the babble won't sound blustery. Please be careful and consider, would the commenter be bitter if the answer appeared either here or there or maybe neither.

In response to your query about the "funny noise"... this "noise" is the highest form of flattery in my dimension. It is the noise made by our virgins upon the experience of their first orgasm. We acknowledge the greatness of our fellow Caninites by serenading them with this noise. It is spelled "zzzzzzeuzzzzzeu" and can be said repeatedly depending upon the degree of greatness one wishes to bestow upon another. It warms my cockle(s) to hear it pronounced amongst my great friends at the coffee shop.
Any further questions one who is known as "POOF!"?

Mark G. said...

You asketh such good questions!

It truly is a humdrum conundrum wrapped in an enigmum. Take a Tum!

I shall waxeth philisophically for you at Mark G.'s.

"POOF!" (stage action - puff of white smoke, mysterious and instantaneous disappearance.)

colie.doll said...
