Monday, August 11, 2008

Lorie's in the house

Hey Lorie!
I'm feelin' more hopeful about the outcome of things at work.
What's your next adventure?
Are you trippin" off to some far away place like Oklahoma or Spain?
Are you gonna stay home and make some soup?
Just what are you planning?


LORIE said...

Greenmoss and Sunny:

I had a dream last night
Matt and I had a fight

Oh Shit! It wasn't a dream
People aren't what they seem.

My plan right now is to get better
We can beat this thing together!

Thank you to my coffee family
Michael, Mick, Mark and Katy

You are all such a Treasure
and of course a pleasure. . . .

LORIE said...

PS My poem writing skills SUCK!
What the F*&%?

Green Moss & Sunny said...

The beauty of poetry
I realized early that writing poetry is a writers dream. There are no rules and you can't go wrong.
Nice Poem Lorie!
Well done!
I like it, I love it,I want more of itt.
What the $u&k !?!

Mark G. said...


That's pretty good stuff for adaptation through osmosis!

Good work.