Thursday, August 21, 2008

The "New" Same Old Me

The return to the office has been OK so far.
I had 2 days in the office and only got one cold shoulder.
I had 2 days in Spokane
helping my mom after corneal transplant.
Tomorrow I go back.
I still have bridges to mend.
I am confident that they will mend or
I will go around them.
I have a clear conscience and
that carries me through with my head held high.
So, take that, universe!!!


Green Moss & Sunny said...

Words cannot adequately express how much I respect how you have handled this situation.



Mike said...

Yep, what she said.

Mark G. said...

YAH! You goll darn stinker poo universe.

What they all said!!!

Green Moss & Sunny said...

Yes! Poo is very icky! I do not like it. I think about bad things when I encounter the poo of the universe.