Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Erasmus Lost at Sea

Upon the open sea Erasmus did sail
Onward out into the great unknown
Encountering windless sea or viscious gale
With steady hearts and sails expertly sewn
The captain's well trained eye doth read the wind
As waves upon the bow do yield their way
Erasmus with her hemplocks tightly pinned
Alone survived to sail another day

Erasmus, where have you gone?


Mark G. said...

I am here!

Circuitous meanderings, perhaps, but found, not lost.

Alas, my ship is sturdy, awaiting you by the shore.

colie.doll said...

I look for romanticism. For faith. For standing up for not only what she believes in but for what is right. Tenderness. Love. Compassion. Understanding. I look for communication that works for and for someone who knows who I am and doesn't try to change me. And interest in music. In art. Someone outspoken. Well-known. Bubbly. Someone who's not shy. Someone who can talk about the future with me, our future, while living in the moment but knowing that we will always be together without getting scared and never wanting to make promises. And as I write this list I realize that I am describing my love. You've just secured my future.

LORIE said...


I enjoyed this post mostly because of you poetic prowlness. I lack such a gift. Thank you for sharing.

I would like to encourage you to continue blogging. . . . only if you receive joy from it. I understand the time it takes to write posts and respond to other fellow bloggers. It is okay to take breaks. It is okay to skip days. We love you anyway.

So, go on you blogging blogger! You are a deep breath of fresh air!

Loves. L.