each fleeting thought that comes
our every sense takes no rest
our dreams like jungle drums
put it all together
it surely must make sense
though we think we're very smart
it seems we're somewhat dense
take a break and stop now
calm your busy day
slow your thoughts rest your heart
repeat these words and say
"I am not so sure that
everything I see
is just the way I see it.
It's just that way for me."
now that you have started
repeat that every day
soon you'll be aware that
being humble sure does pay
with each passing week then
as humility sets in
those with whom you interact
will most likely be win win
posting as Greenmoss
We at the coffee shop have won the lotto, hit the jackpot, and in every sense of the meaning, achieved win-win, because we have you in our lives on an almost daily basis.
thank - you, Michael.
I love your prose, and your point of view.
Helloo again Mr. Greenmoss.
Thanks for commenting on the quantum change thing. You do make lots of sense, and yes, quantum does mean an abrupt change or transition.
The topic came up while discussing change in human beings - either a desire for personal change and growth, and the resulting dynamics associated with those things, or observing others attempting the same thing - not necessarily the same issues, but the within the same context - change.
Your comment made lots of sense, because I struggle with the nature of that change. Speaking from personal experience, there are characteristics and behaviors I recognize in myself that I would like to change, and some of them I have been aware of and working on for 15 + years!!!!!!
Making progress, but still, interestingly and sometimes frustratingly, dealing with the same onion, but on a deeper layer - I hope!
so my questions and observations are about the nature of that change. In MY experience, I have not witnessed sudden, completely converted understanding or behavioral changes in a human being. For ME, it is always a gradual process the result of recognizing the behavior and then endeavoring to change it.
And that is why I threw out there the idea of epiphany versus quantum. Epiphany seems to suggest sudden, complete change or comprehension of a given matter. where an abrupt change can seem sudden, but is the result of constant effort arriving at a tipping point, gaining momentum, and maintaining a larger and larger presence in the individual, displacing more and more of the old behavior, or mindset.
My post was about hearing other points of view, and possibly hearing a story of instantaneous understanding or empathy, that was not preceded by some type of endeavor for comprehension. Kinda like divine inspiration - wouldn't that be cool! Additionally, I was trying to employ the appropriate term(s)in discussing said topic.
that's pretty. i'm inspired. as soon as this headache passes, i shall write.
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